Sunday, August 14, 2011

Mouse Sundae Alert!

Sender: StarrySky

Artwork by Thomas Goletz, a German graphic artist, illustrator and inventor of Diddl the Mouse cartoon character. Here Diddl is in an ice-cream sundae. I used Google Translate and "einen schlecker schlemmerigen sahne sanften schmuseschmatz an dich" came out as: "schlecker one gluttonous cream soft cuddly smacking at you"! (laughing now)

StarrySky writes that it is impossible to translate the entire phrase but the card is best described as what kind of kiss has been sent along with it - a "creamy, cream-smooth soft kiss". Okay, I get it now, thanks to StarrySky! 

The translated text by Google Translate really wound me up! Gluttonous?? That would kill the sweet intention of the card entirely! LOL! :D  :D  :D

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