Sunday, August 28, 2011

Kitten Offense and Kitten Defense!

Sender: Angee

Kittens at play may look rather aggressive. Check out the postures described below and guess which kitten is on the offensive and which is on the defensive!

Offensive Posture
Straight-legged, upright stance
Stiff tail, lowered or held straight down to the ground
The classic arched back
Direct, unwavering stare
Upright and alert ears
Fur standing up on end all along the body
Small, narrowed pupils
They will face and possibly move toward their enemy
They may growl, howl, or yowl

Defensive Posture
Tucking the head in
Tail wrapped protectively around the body
Eyes wide with dilated pupils
Ears flat sideways or backwards
Fur or hackles up
Whiskers may be retracted or out and forward to assess the threat
Turning sideways instead of facing the opponent
Hissing or spitting, m
ay deliver quick, defensive strikes

Hisssss!!! Snarl!!!

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