Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Piazza di Spagna, Rome

Sender: Hootnoodle

 'P' is for 'Piazza'. Text on card: "Roma, Piazza di Spagna / Spain's Square"

A piazza is an open public square, usually surrounded by buildings. The Italian piazza is the centre of public life. One of the joys of touring Italy is to spend time doing nothing at a cafe located in a historic piazza, just for the people watching.

The Piazza di Spagna or Spanish Square is connected to a French church (Trinità dei Monti, which has an obelisk in front of it) on top of the hill via a long staircase, known as the Scalinata della Trinità dei Monti or Spanish Steps. At the bottom of the Spanish Steps is the Piazza di Spagna or Spanish square. At the foot of the Spanish Steps is the Fontana della Barcaccia, a fountain with a small boat design. In the southeast part of the square is the Colonna dell'Immacolata (column of the Immaculate conception). These can all be viewed from Hootnoodle's postcard.

The Piazza di Spagna is one of the most popular meeting places in Rome. It is also one of the most visually pleasing squares. The combination of the famous Spanish Steps, an obelisk and a beautiful church, draws locals and tourists alike to the square. I know where I'd like to pose for a touristy photo!
I can see three stamps of the Broadway Opera/Broadway Musical. I have heard of "Oklahoma" and I have read "Pygmalion" & seen the movie "My Fair Lady" but have never seen any of the musicals. Isn't that sad?!

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