Friday, July 29, 2011

Waiting For Entry

Sender: Kaheli

It's my very first Inge Look card, many thanks to Kaheli! Have you read the "Stray Cat Rules" before? Somehow seeing the waiting cat at the door reminds me of them! I'm such a sucker when it comes to cats and kittens...

Stray Cat Rules
  1. Stray cats will not be fed.
  2. Stray cats will only be fed dry cat food.
  3. Stray cats may have dry cat food moistened with a little milk but that's all.
  4. Stray cats may have dry cat food moistened with warm milk, yummy treats and tuna.
  5. Stray cats will absolutely not be played with.
  6. Alright stray cats will be played with but will not be given a name.
  7. Tigger will not be allowed in the house.
  8. Okay,  Tigger is allowed in the house but only in the kitchen.
  9. Tigger may sleep in the living room in a blanket-lined cardboard box.
  10. Tigger will sleep in the special Kitty-Comfort bed with non-allergenic lamb's wool pillow.
  11. Tigger will never be allowed to sleep on our bed.
  12. Tigger may sleep on our bed but never under the covers.
  13. Okay, Tigger may sleep under the covers and on the pillows.
  14. The kittens will not be allowed in the house....


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