Thursday, July 21, 2011

Can you see my teeth?

Sender: Volvomom

Text on card: Dentures: George Washington was plagued by dental problems and ill-fitting dentures throughout his life. This pair of dentures is made of animal and human teeth as well as vegetable ivory - all fitted into a hinged lead base. They are on view in the Donald and Nancy de Laski Gallery of the Donald W. Reynolds Museum and Education Centre.

This card is weird but fascinating all the same! Squeal! I can't imagine having someone else's teeth in my mouth or an animal's teeth or whatever...And the card made me have a sudden urge to brush and floss and clean my teeth..

Your teeth are important - they help you to chew,
They help you to smile and say, "How do you do?"
Be sure to take care of them morning and night
By brushing and flossing, you'll keep your teeth bright!


Marcie said...

Love the teeth poem!

Lufra@Leisure said...

Flashing you a smile of clean pearly whites ;)