Saturday, October 15, 2011

Hugs & Kisses, xoxo

Sender: hootnoodle
Hugs & Kisses from Washington

Awww! Hootnoodle sent this card to show that 'X' stands for 'xoxo', which also means 'hugs & kisses' ('x' being the kiss and 'o' being the hug!). I don't know these animals though, have never seen them in my life. Maybe they are prairie dogs? More rodent than dog, if I must say..
Paul Bunyan was a hero of North America’s lumberjacks, the workers who cut down trees (American folklore). He was known for his strength, speed and skill. Tradition says he cleared forests from the northeastern United States to the Pacific Ocean.

Mighty Casey / Casey at the Bat is a baseball poem, one of the most well-known poems in American history.

Pecos Bill is a cowboy hero with superhuman abilities such as riding a cyclone, roping an entire herd at one time, using a rattlesnake as a whip, and harnessing the Rio Grande River to water his ranch.

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