Sunday, August 14, 2011

An Aid to Health?

Sender: canbcpost
Text on card: Zander Institute, New York City, 1908

Is this woman using a "Zander Institute Electric Medical Cage"?

Zander Institute derives its name from Dr Gustav Zander, who was born in Stockholm, Sweden in 1835 (a gymnast and a licensed practitioner). He invented a therapeutic method of exercise carried out by means of special apparatus. Zander began his work in the 1860s and established the Zander Institute in London, before coming to New York. His hope was that his equipment, which employed gradual muscle resistance, would supplement normal gymnasiums that excluded women, older people, and "weakly" people of either sex.

canbcpost sent this card for the weird cards group in the Black & White RR. It is a Weird Contraption indeed! I would not like to be in an electrical cage supposedly to aid my health. Imagine a sudden power surge, I would be turned into TOAST!!!

Canada has bright multi-coloured stamps, even for the small ones!

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