Monday, August 27, 2012

Old Camera

Sender: Alienne
"Keep Looking"
An IKEA card from Alienne. 'O' is for 'Oldies". 

Alienne writes that she still remembers her first camera, a Praktica. I still remember "my" first one too. A bulky Yashica 35mm camera. Oops, it wasn't actually mine..but my dad's, on loan to me, for a considerable period of time. Had to give it back eventually, pffft! But it served me well and gave such good results. If the photos didn't turn out well, it was all because of my messed-up focusing or improper placement of the film (the latter gave no results at all! moan!).

Now we are all into digital cameras and can take hundreds or thousands of (useless) photos in one go and store them in memory cards, sometimes not even bothering to send any for printing! :D

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