Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Belly dancing

Sender: Alienne
Oldenburg Live
'B' is for 'Belly dancing'!

I've only seen real belly dancing performance once, in a desert somewhere in Dubai. I was sure my mouth gaped open the entire performance as I saw how effortlessly the dancer moved. Sinuously,  ever so supple and agile. In one of her dance performances, she used a cane and twirled it, threw it, caught it, balanced it...it blended well with her dance routine. I was so full of admiration!! But when she invited any of us to join her and try, I was the first to scoot away and hide!! No need belly dancing trials for me...my belly even "dances" when I laugh or cough!! :D

I read that belly dancing has many health benefits:-

- Back and joints pains are relieved
- Bone density increases
- It is a low impact form of exercise
- It helps in losing weight (Aha!!!) (Double Aha!!!)
- It helps in preparing for childbirth
- Stress levels become lower
- It boosts self-esteem (maybe not if you are one of those uncoordinated beings, like me...!)
- It can help relieve PMS

I feel like asking Alienne cheekily...have you tried belly dancing, Alienne? :)


Alienne said...

Well, not in public. ;) I soemtimes automatically did in my home when some oriental music on the radio was compelling. :D

Lufra@Leisure said...

Way to go, Alienne! ;-)